Milá Heleno,
čas letí. Už je to skoro měsíc, co naši studenti přijeli domů. Moc bych chtěla poděkovat za úžasný pobyt našich žáků a učitelky. Byli okouzleni vaší péčí a pozorností. Studentům se u vás moc líbilo. Moc se toho naučili a našli si nové přátelé. Říkali, že každý se k nim choval velmi přátelsky. Chtěli jet zpět do Znojma. Nyní pracují na závěrečné zprávě a chodí opět do školy. Ještě jednou děkujeme a čekáme na vás u nás a těšíme se na další spolupráci.
S pozdravem
P.S. Mnoho pozdravů od Vitalije, Eitvydase a Albertase.
Ramune Vadeikyteproject coordinatorVilnius Tourism and Commerce SchoolLithuaniaDear Helena,
time is going so fast. It’s almost a month passed since our students came back home. I would like to thank you for a wonderful stay of students and a teacher. They were impressed by your care and attention. Students were so happy and with a lot of emotions told us about their practice. They learned a lot and found new friends, said that everyone was very friendly with them. They even wanted to come back again to Znojmo;) Now they wrote their reports, made posters and go to school as usual.
Thnak you once again and now we will be waiting for you in Vilnius and looking forward for our future cooperation.
Best wishes
P.S. also best wishes from Vitalija, Eitvydas and Albertas
Ramune Vadeikyteproject coordinatorVilnius Tourism and Commerce SchoolLithuania